About us
Christine and Craig Westhoff have served in the soul care of individuals and church teams for over 30 years internationally. They are both trained spiritual directors, with specific training in mediation, emotional health coaching, trauma recovery, Internal Family Systems principals, Enneagram coaching, and team development. MESH has a skilled team of licensed professionals, spiritual directors, coaches, and theologians who work together to offer you stable, Christ-centered, psychologically-sound support.

Management Team
Cameron Jackson is the Operations Manager for MESH Objective. Cameron and his wife planted The 316 Church in Wichita, KS in 2014, where he’s been casting vision, teaching, and living into his call and dream for a racially unified kingdom. Cameron serves on the 24/7 Prayer Diversity Team and serves campus ministries as a speaker and coach. He is a husband to Stephanie and father to 6 beautiful children.

Abbie Troyanek serves MESH Objective as a coach, strategist and operations. She is the Operations manager of Reframing the Prophetic, a sister ministry to MESH. She is certified in cultural intelligence (CQ) and passionate about fostering thriving, culturally intelligent relationships within church environments and among individuals navigating cross-cultural contexts. She lives in Tulsa, OK, with her husband and their two young children.